So much happens every day here that I can't begin to keep up! Let me tell you a little about Zoe. For the first two days we kept waiting for "the other shoe" to fall...she just seemed TOO easy! (Keep in mind that the first 18 months with the twins was sheer chaos.) Well, no shoe...she is just that easy. WARNING...TMI to follow...The only time she cries is when she is having a BM because she has been terribly constipated. We even resorted to an enema yesterday because she was in so much pain. Last night we sprinkled some Miralax we got from Melissa and Jeff in her bottle so hopefully she will be able to "work it out" soon. We finally figured out how she likes her bottle...thick and hot. Now she eats like a little piglet. Last night she even had a bottle and a half. She naps for 2 or 3 hours in the afternoon, and she sleeps around 10-11 hours at night. Sometimes she wakes up and scratches around in her crib but puts herself back to sleep. Kevin wants her to fall asleep while we are holding her, but she prefers to do it her way. Last night, however, she fell asleep in his arms which made him happy!

Nothing seems to phase her when we are out and about. She seems fearless in new situations...she looks around checking everything out, but hardly ever cries. She is just totally chill. She is starting to warm up to us and smile more. She doesn't like her mouth or hands touched. She LOVES the peek-a-boo books we brought. In fact, she seems drawn to any type of photo or picture. She spends a long time looking at the little photo album of Sam and Eli we brought. I wouldn't be surprised if she recognizes them by the time we get home! She seems to be interested in Skype and watches the video of family members intently. Skype has been such a blessing! We have been able to talk to Sam and Eli twice a day, and much of the family has been able to see her already (if you want to Skype with us send me an email!)

She has mostly stopped scratching herself so we hope the Permethrin is working. Her feet still look pretty bad, with tiny blisters all over the soles. Her diaper rash is getting better. She took another bath last night and didn't seem to mind it at all. Physically, she seems more like a 6-month old than a 10-month old, as she is still very wobbly when sitting up, doesn't support herself with her legs when you try to make her stand, and doesn't crawl or even scoot very far. I think she will catch up very quickly when we get home, however, because I can already tell she is gifted in every way :)!
Today we are going to do some sightseeing with our guide, Lucia (who is 100% Chinese despite her name!) She has been so helpful...last night she ordered Papa John's for us and arranged for our laundry to be picked up. She has lots of good ideas for restaurants we can try (the buffet on Tuesday night in the hotel was $100 so we are in search of CHEAP...remember those earrings I bought??) She takes very good care of us at the endless stream of appointments we have with government officials. (BTW, how many times do we have to tell people our age and occupations??)
Well, it is almost 7 am so I think I will open the blinds a little so Kevin and Zoe will wake up!!! Talk to you soon.
Love, Karen
The first photo is worth a 1,000 words! I so enjoy reading your blog. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your little blessing in the middle of this exciting and I'm sure chaotic time! (BTW have you tried the soap sliver trick to help with the constipation? That is TMI for a general post, but email me @ school if you want to know more about the "old Home" remedy our pediatrician shared with us that has helped all 3 of ours at one time or another. )
ReplyDeleteKaren and Kevin,
ReplyDeleteI am sitting at my breakfast table and am so happy for your family! You simply look destined to be together. I cried many happy tears this morning. Thank you for being.
p. s.- Safe travels home.
Wow! It sounds like Zoe is adjusting very well. I will pray that this will continue upon arrival to the states.
ReplyDeleteI love the pictures you have posted and am loving every picture and word:) Thank you so much for sharing all of your journey with us! It is so exciting and wonderful - I'm sure very tiring at times too;) One can't help but smile when they see your darling, little Zoe! She will be a blessing to many!